Barcelona, Spain
mk/KLm, Chiasma, Spellbound, TIR Danza and VAN visiting Festival Dansat in collaboration with ALIANSAT21
22 > 24.10.2021 | Barcelona, Spain

diary of the visit
«We get to Barcelona with flights coming from different places in Italy. We find a bar and ask ourselves immediately: why are we here? What are we looking for? Which urgencies made us travel to a Land that is asking us to let her breathe? […]»

and program
The visit to Barcellona in the frame of the Festival Dansat! was the occasion to involve all the Italian partners in 3 days kick off meeting, where we met local professionals and artists:
22.10 > visits to Caldera and L’estruch
23.10 > visit to Graner
23.10 > round table (“Are we able to share? Rethinking internationalization and mobility”), a professional encounter between 18M8L partners and invited professionals
21-24.10 > performances of the festival Dansat!
our playlist

Section curated by
Silvia Albanese

Silvia Albanese is a creative producer, semiologist and communication strategist. She collaborates with artists, festivals, theaters and networks in the field of contemporary dance, performance and research theater. In her practice of development and creation of projects she combines strategic and productive skills with humanistic and relational ones, encouraging the creation of new “on-life and on-line” formats in the local and international contexts.
Carlotta Garlanda

Carlotta Garlanda is a cultural manager and project designer for the performing arts. She is a strategic consultant for cultural organizations and lecturer in Eu project design. She is the general manager of MK dance company and co-founder and board member of social enterprise, aimed at the internationalization of the cultural sector.
Fabritia D'Intino

Fabritia D’Intino is a dancer and choreographer. She graduated from Accademia Nazionale di Danza (Rome) and ArtEZ (Arnhem, NL). Her activity includes stage performances, public space interventions, participatory projects and research formats. She is part of the companies Chiasma (Rome) and CATSANDSNAILS (Lille).
Valentina Marini

Since 1997, after 15 years of dance training, Valentina Among many other projects, Marini has worked as cultural manager and artistic curator. Marini joined the Spellbound Contemporary Ballet at the very beginning of the project and became Producer in 2000 playing as Director from 2005 leading the company together with Astolfi and helping Spellbound to evolve internationally.
Marco D'Agostin

Marco D’Agostin is an artist active in the field of dance and performance. His works question with insistency the themes of memory, extinction, entertaining. They tour in Europe since 2010 and have been acknowledged nationally (UBU Award, Premio Gd’A, Premio Prospettiva Danza, Premio Scenario) and internationally (BEFestival, (Re)connaissance, MasDanza, Aerowaves).
Nicola Galli

Nicola Galli works on body research, stated in artistic pieces and devices that ranges from choreography to performance, from body installations to graphics. In his works, the body become the irradiate core of the artistic research which focuses on analytical exploration of movement as a part of different knowledges. Contextually to artistic research, he creates and manages educational workshops dedicated to children, adults and young dancers.
Mariagiovanna Esposito

Mariagiovanna is a choreographer, dancer and dance teacher. She studied at the National Academy of Dance and expanded her training in Belgium, with an eye turned more towards improvisation techniques.
In 2018, she is co-founder of the Associazione Culturale Croma of which she is the director of artistic and educational projects. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Enterprises and has worked in the organization of Festivals.
Dalila D'Amico

Flavia Dalila D’Amico is a scholar in the field of performing arts and curator of the communication and promotion of the Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo and Fuori Programma International Dance Festival activities. She has been a research fellow at Sapienza University of Rome, investigating the role of visual and performative artists in the processes of technological innovation. In 2016 She obtained the title of PhD in Music and Entertainment.