

dance gatherings

18M8L aims to integrate the physical and virtual dimensions: next to the on-life visits, various online appointments will take place as moments of sharing, becoming an opportunity for the exchange of knowledges and practices. The digital worktables and workshops will promote an international dialogue, facilitate new encounters, share and spread the information and materials collected during the visits.

18M8L si propone di integrare la dimensione fisica con quella virtuale. Le visite di presenza verranno affiancate da diversi appuntamenti online, che assumeranno la forma di momenti di condivisione e di scambio di conoscenze e pratiche. Verranno allestiti dei tavoli di lavoro e workshop digitali per promuovere il dialogo internazionale, favorire la creazione di nuove relazioni, condividere e diffondere le informazioni e i contenuti emersi durante le visite.

A coffee with... #1

24.3.2022 3 pm > 4.30 pm (CET)

presentation of the following project partners:
– Tipperary Dance Festival / Tipperary
– Théatre Sévelin 36 / Lausanne
– ehrenfeldstudios / Köln
– Schaubuhne Leipzig / Leipzig  (video)
Short presentations and Q&A

A coffee with... #2

31.3.2022 3 pm > 4.30 pm (CET)

presentation of the following project partners:
– H401 / Amsterdam
– Aliansat / Barcelona
– project Sup le Sub presso La Fabrik / Marseille
– Be Festival / Birmingham
Short presentations and Q&A

Mobility Advocacy /

Manifesto per la mobilità culturale nel Mediterraneo

18.5.2022 11 am > 1 pm (CET)

Artists’ and professionals’ mobility of the cultural sector in the Mediterranean and the world – curated by Fondo Roberto Cimetta

Worktables on three key topics with 30 Mediterranean operators and artists: mobility + professionalization, mobility + environmental sustainability and mobility + solidarity.

The discussion brought to the writing of a Manifesto per la mobilità culturale (Manifesto for cultural mobility), which will be promoted internationally.

18M8L – after taking part in the gathering – invites the Italian and international dance scene to take part in a digital encounter to share and discuss the Manifesto.

The human ecosystem around the artists

9.6.2022  3 pm > 4.30 pm (CET)

How is the international panorama of the professionals working with artists made up? During the pandemic times, many networks arose from the need to be internationally connected and to face together the challenges of our professions. We’re the invisible workers who support, develop and distribute the artists’ works: managers, agents, distributors, producers, promoters. 

18M8L invites some of the professionals who encouraged international networks to share with us their needs and objectives: we’ll discuss these topics with:

Vicenç Mayans (Catalunia) – initiator of the Catalan network of distributors;

Jana Grünewald (Germany, InfoPlus/Dachverband Tanz Deutschland) – initiator of the International Producers Meetings „InfoPlus“

Sergio Chianca (France) – member of the French network LAPAS

Sepher Sharifzadeh (Iran) – initiator of the international network PADA.

The European professionals are also involved in the creation of the European network PAMPA. The meeting is moderated by Silvia Albanese, steering committee member of PAMPA, producer and promoter for TIR Danza.